To Our Dear Beautiful Baby Ruby,

I keep thinking what if... What if, but nothing can bring you back to us.  We just have 9 months of you with us, but only hours we got to spend with you holding your tiny little body.

You are perfect in every way, I find comfort in knowing how you would have looked when you were older, just like your lovely big sister Freya.  She would have taken such good care of you, like a little Mum.  She was so excited about meeting you.  Now you can be Freya's guardian angel from heaven and you can watch over her.

You are and would have been adored  and loved by so many people, especially me, Daddy, Freya, Nannie, Grandad , Aunty Louise and Ella.

As the days have gone on I still cannot see why you were taken at the last minute, I do know one thing though, you are in heaven and being looked after.

When we were told by the midwife at the hospital you had no heartbeat, it was all a whirlwind of such devastating shock.  We could not believe what was happening.

After you were born Daddy held you first, then Grandad, Nannie and finally me, Mummy.  I could not believe you were here but gone as well, you had Ruby red lips, big eyes and a button nose just like Freya.  You looked so beautiful just like you were sleeping but you were never to wake up, however much we wished you would.

The midwife Annie who delivered you took you away to weigh and measure you.  You were a lovely weight of 7lb 4oz and a very long 53cm! Then another lovely midwife called Cherry took you, to wash and dress you in some clothes I picked out for you to wear.  Once you were clothed and wrapped in your fluffy pink blanket I got to hold you again. Nannie, Aunty Louise, Katie and Shelley did too.  I am glad you got to be held by them as they now know too how perfect you are.

The hardest thing I have ever had to do was say goodbye to you and leave you at the hospital. You should have been coming home with us, but I knew you would be looked after by Cherry, she never left your side the rest of the day.

40 weeks and 2 days we were together me and you. I will cherish every moment together forever of what little time we did have.

All we have now are memories and pictures of your face.  We have a beautiful memory box with your foot prints, hand prints, a lock of your hair and other items that can remind us of you, Ruby, whenever we want.

Thank you for the beautiful double rainbow the day you passed, it was your rainbow, Ruby's Rainbow.

You will always be our beautiful daughter carried in our hearts, never ever forgotten, this is goodbye for now, until we see you again.

We love you Ruby, forever, never forget.

Our beautiful baby girl.

Love you forever, your family.

Mummy, Daddy and Freya xxxxxxxxxxx