We were supposed to protect you, and make things just right,

But you were so tiny,

Too tiny to fight.

Your tiny fingers, your tiny toes,

We will always remember your beautiful glow.

We had pictures in our head of the day you would come home,

All wrapped in your blanket, all snuggled and warm,

But you didn't come home the day you were born,

You were taken to heaven, a beautiful angel had formed.

People say in time the pain will go away but we promise in our hearts and soul you will always stay.

We will love you forever our beautiful Jessie,

Our hearts will always be broken and heavy,

Sleep well our angel, our shining star, you’ll always be with us, you’ll never be far.

Mummy and daddy love you xxx

This is the poem I wrote for our beautiful angel Jessie born sleeping 11.10.2014