I wish God didn't take you away.

​I wish I could've made you stay.

To hold you forever in my arms.

To protect you so you would come to no harm.

I wish I could've made you stay.

Why did God take you away.

I know he only takes the best.

I guess he knew you needed to rest.

In paradise up above.

Didn't he know my love.

Would never go away.

Why couldn't I make you stay.

My Story

I was pregnant with my second child. She was another little girl, and after five years I couldn't wait to have another daughter to look after, knowing I would be giving my first born daughter a little sister to play with.

But tragedy struck on 30th September this year. I remember the day as plain as anything. I had woken up thinking that I had felt my baby moving at least twice as I was eating breakfast. I then took my daughter to school, came back and started to get clothes out to wash and dry ready for my newborn. As I was 35 weeks and one day pregnant I thought I needed to get ready. By this point I hadn’t felt my baby move much but thought she would be active by night, which she wasn't.

So I called the hospital to say I hadn’t felt her move much. They told me to come in and they checked her heartbeat. They then said they needed to scan me.

It was then I was told my baby girl’s heart had stopped beating. My mum was with me and I just screamed so loud and grabbed onto her, she called my baby's dad to come and the midwife explained I would have to come back on the 2nd October to give birth in a private room they put aside for us.

So on the 2nd October I went in to start my induction. I was in a lot of pain but refused any pain relief – apart from gas and air – as I wanted to feel everything. It was a long labour and by 2:54am on 3rd October I gave birth to my sleeping angel. She was (and always will be) so beautiful. I held her skin to skin and cried tears for my second daughter and for the little sister my daughter had lost.

I got to spend a few days cuddling my baby before it was time to go, I remember thinking this isn't right, I should be walking out with a baby, not a box with very few memories. It was then I had to think of her funeral, which we made a special day. We let off balloons and released doves. Every day I sit here thinking why, and cry so much for my daughter. She was due on 3rd November.

Shivon Thompson 27, Lexi-Lei's mummy.