The time has come, 38 minutes past Eleven,

You now have a Son, an Angel in heaven.

Big blue eyes and those lips deep red,

You cradle him in your arms on the end of the bed

Tears are flowing, a river of pain,

Your world has collapsed and you are immersed in pain

Dreams are taken in the blink of an eye,

The crying stops as the well has run dry

Years pass in those minutes past,

You’re a Dad now and it’s time to be one at last.

It’s night time and Kyle’s in your arms asleep,

So I sing to him so he knows his Daddy is there for keeps.

Beautiful does not even come close to what you are to me,

My one and only son, so proud to see.

Golden hair and tiny little toes

I cupped your fingers and kissed your nose.

All night long children entered this land,

My perfect Angel holding their hand.

My heart knew then you were a special boy,

In our time of sorrow you gave others joy.

They gave us 10 hours huddled as 3.

Mummy forever checking up on her wee family.

Fighting off sleep to squeeze in a lifetime of love that night.

It broke my heart when the sun began to show its light.

Handing you over to the nurse by our side,

I knew then part of inside me had just died.

Scared of what the coming days would give,

Struggling to find a reason to live.

You brought us rainbows as we took you home to rest.

They formed a pathway of colour and zest

I could never be prouder than I was that day,

I carried you to let you go see your angel friends and play

A rainbow in the sky was not all you had to share,

A beautiful baby sister arrived in our care

She is so like her big brother in every way,

No doubt you are her guardian and together you play

Not a minute passes you are not in our hearts,

For a day will come we will not be apart.

Until that day I make you a vow,

For your memory we will honour it now.

I will try and give other children a chance in life,

Raise awareness and money with my incredible wife.

We owe it to Amelie to look her in the eye one night,

And say mummy and Daddy put up a fight

All I can say is nothing more true

My baby boy I will always love you xx
