“A couple of weeks after our second son was stillborn, our two-and-a-half-year-old said out of the blue, ‘This house is too sad for me.’ We realised that we needed to get some support and do things differently.” Mum

Children can be deeply affected when a baby dies. Our booklet Supporting children is written for parents, other family members and friends who have children of their own, teachers and anyone who comes into contact with a child whose baby brother or sister has died. It covers:

  • Telling a child
  • Dealing with reactions
  • Answering questions
  • Managing your own feelings
  • Telling other people
  • Maintaining routines
  • Involving children
  • Another pregnancy 
  • The longer term 
  • Surviving children of a multiple birth and children born after your baby died
  • How Sands can help

Download Supporting children booklet

This booklet also forms part of our free Bereavement Support Pack that you can order from our shop or by calling our helpline.