Written for my beautiful angels Izzy, Tyranny and Gibb

So I'm awake again just laying here feeling alone in the dark

Reliving that awful moment pain struck me in the heart

As your mum I should protect you and keep you from harm’s way

But I fear I didn't do my job and you were took away

When I held you I can't explain what I felt for you inside

This perfect thing that I had made I was busting with pride

But then I knew you had to go and leave me for good 

At that moment a bit of me went too and then I understood

My heart would never feel the same, not whole, just broke, just empty

As life goes on without me I feel so alone 

If only you were here with me I'd feel I have a home

The only thing that gets me through life is that I truly know

One day we'll meet in heaven and I'll never let you go

I'm gonna kiss and hold and hug  you and finally I can be,

What I always wanted 

A mum to my angels all three...

Love from your mum x