Ellie Senneck, Sands, blog
Ella Senneck, Sister | 29 June 2017

During June 2017, as part of our 15 babies a day initiative, we will share 15 blogs by 15 people who have been affected by the death of a baby. By doing this we aim to show the sheer number of people who are affected by the tragedy of one baby’s death. Visit our 15 Perspectives webpage to view other blogs in the series.

I miss my baby brother so much. The 18th March 2013 was the saddest day of my life. Mummy had to go into hospital to give birth to him because he had died inside her tummy. She was 20 weeks pregnant when it happened, it was such a shock. We don't know why his heart stopped beating. He had been growing inside mummy's tummy without any problems, apart from mummy feeling sick all the time!

My younger sisters Freya and Lily were very excited about having a baby in the house. When mummy went into hospital my grandma and grandad looked after us. I was very worried when mummy went into hospital but the hardest part was seeing mummy and daddy so sad when they got home. They cried lots, we were all drenched in tears.

I wanted to meet my baby brother but instead my mummy and daddy showed me photographs. He was swaddled in a blanket, in a beautiful little basket. I helped to give him his name - Gabriel Star. I love his name, it suits him perfectly. A star shining brightly.

We planned the funeral together and I drew lots of pictures for him to take to heaven. We put a teddy inside his coffin, which had stars all over it. His funeral was very emotional, when I said goodbye I let a star balloon float into the sky.

We celebrate his life every year on his birthday, we make a cake and enjoy eating it together. Mummy had another baby in 2014, a boy called Zachary. He makes me laugh so much. So I have two sisters and two brothers.

We cherish Gabriel's memory, he will always be my baby brother and part of my family. Our family always say he is 'Eternally loved, never forgotten'.

15 babies die before, during or shortly after birth every day in the UK. 15 too many. We want to reduce this number, but we need your help. Support our #15babiesaday initiative by donating or fundraising now.