Angel I'm so sad today,

Still angry at the world for taking you away,

I wish things were different I ache to hold you close,

To look into your big brown eyes is something I miss most,

The trees the flowers the birds in the sky,

I can't show you these things like I promised,

I scream at god why? why? why?

In hospital when you were coming into the world I closed my eyes to pray,

I prayed that you would take a breath,

She's alive the midwife would say,

Sadly miracles don't happen; I had to face your death,

But a small miracle did happen on the radio we heard a voice,

Did you try to help your mummy and daddy believe in the afterlife?

Now we had no choice,

A baby's cry then ‘sweet dreams Angel',

Was that you I heard crying? Did you want to say goodbye?

I know that life has to go on, I'm told that time will heal,

I watch as new mum's proudly parade their children; they don't know how I feel,

That should be me my heart screams but my head says simply no,

Not this time she's in heaven now, But I so want to see you grow.

I know you are with your Great Nana and she is looking after you now,

She gave me a sign, her favour from my wedding placed at my chair,

I never wondered how,

I know her spirit laid it their, she answered my prayers for a sign,

She is keeping you safe and happy and lets me know that you are fine

Every time I think of you I sit and quietly pray,

Please let her be laughing, skipping and dancing,

In heavens playground every day,

You are my shining star, my Daughter and my friend,

Not to have you here with me my pain will never end,

But one day in the future when I am old and grey,

Reunited I will be with you forever and a day. 

I love you forever
