Sands 40th anniversary
Networks & Volunteering Team, Sands | 2 June 2018
  • Name: Lisa Kelleher
  • Current role: Befriender & Group Facilitator North & East London Sands
  • Details of previous role(s)/activities: Previously Befriender and organizer of annual memorial

Maria Huant, London Network Co-ordinator says, “Lisa has been volunteering with NELS for over 10 years, has had almost every role in the committee (sometimes several at once) and manages to fit this in with caring for four daughters, two of whom have a disability. Her steadfast contribution to the Group has kept it going over years of fluctuating numbers, changes in Chairs and coping with the number of attendees resulting from the closure of neighbouring Groups.”

Note from Lisa:

“When my daughter Indy died 12 years ago, a befriended from Sands took the time to visit us at home to let us know we were not alone in our experience. Despite our immense sadness and grief, it was incredibly comforting to know others had experienced this and we felt less isolated. This is the reason I volunteer for Sands, to let other bereaved families know that things will get ‘better’, it will take time, but their Baby will remain a very important part of their family, even when the intense grief of loss fades and life resumes a new normal.”

Sands is marking its 40th anniversary this year and we would like to say thank you for the incredible support and contribution that our dedicated volunteers make across the UK to support bereaved parents and anyone affected by the death of a baby. We will host an awards ceremony during the Sands 40th Anniversary Conference to celebrate the wide range of volunteering involvement in Sands and acknowledge 40 volunteers for their dedication and commitment. 

Volunteer nominations for 2018 are open and we invite you to nominate individuals or teams of volunteers. Please contact find out more and to make your nomination.