Where do I start? My heart feels like it’s been through a shredder... my arms ache to hold my baby girl... why me?

I had the most perfect pregnancy, no morning sickness or any other side affects and nothing but positive words from the midwife saying how content my daughter was. How has this happened..

I'm not afraid to say... I had a daughter

Friday the 13th of April, unlucky for some but for me I was the luckiest girl alive, my daughters due date, my mini me, the most precious thing a women can feel, the little bundle of joy I’ve always dreamed of, my perfect girl.

On Tuesday the 16th of April I was like every other mother that goes past her due date, restless and desperate to meet my baby girl... this dream was soon to be shattered on the discovery that my daughter had fallen to sleep, the most world shattering news I’ve had to hear but already knew from the second the midwife said let’s take a listen... praying that she was just being awkward and that her roaring heart beat that I’d heard only days before would kick in. The words from the half a dozen doctors surrounding us broke our hearts into a million pieces.

Friday the 20th, all the symptoms I'd hated had gone, no more painful heartburn, no more back ache or restless legs... it’s as if a light switch had been turned off and I was no longer an expecting mom. This was the day I'd finally see my little madam, the little girl that’s kept me awake from day one, bounced on my bladder, stuck her fists in my ribs or a little foot out my side. I'd finally see the baby I'd been baking for so long and what a perfect little face it was with her big pouty lips, button nose and cheeks you could munch on for days, I finally held my beautiful Amelia. Ever since that day I’ve faced my worst fears, I’ve delivered my baby and waited patiently for her to cry but that moment was a silence that was heart wrenching, I’ve watched other moms hold and kiss their babies wishing I could hold mine but one of my biggest fears was the dreaded “do you have any children” - today was the day I was asked... my stomach dropped and my heart broke a little more, not wanting to upset anyone but not wanting to ignore the fact that yes, I am a mother... I muttered “I had a daughter”

People deal with grief in so many different ways, there is no right or wrong way.. She's my biggest achievement and although she’s not here for me to show off she’s still a part of me and my family. People are scared to ask in fear of upsetting us further but my way of coping is talking about her... so for anyone who has lost or knows of anyone who is grieving a loss, speak to them... ask them... listen. It’s times like this where you have 1000’s of people around you but you’ve never felt so alone.

Break the silence x