Beautiful One

You came to us to dry our tears,

To ease the pain of the last five years.

Beautiful One we did not know

Our time would be so short,

You would have to go.

All we can do is ask ourselves why

Our beautiful son had to die?

There's no limit to love, no limit to pain.

Beautiful One we will see you again,

And when that time comes

We know you'll be there,

To open those gates and say Mummy and Daddy are here.

This time the tears will be of joy and not pain.

The three of us can be a family again.

We can hold you, kiss you,

Surround you with love,

And finally forget that sad day

You were taken from us.

Beautiful One we want you to know

You are our firstborn child and we love you so.

by Simone and Andrew whose son Kaden was stillborn in November 2001