You; our first-born daughter, arrived on Christmas Day - only to be urgently and frantically whisked away.

Mummy woke up disorientated to find that you had gone, while daddy was left in an empty delivery room completely on his own.

Neither of us got to cut your cord, let alone hear you cry, yet eight hours later we were told by medical staff that we had to say goodbye.

Fresh tears dropped from our eyes over your tiny little body, while our parents looked on fearing the magnitude of our sorrow and our futures looking so muddy.

You died in Mummy's arms that day with Daddy holding her shoulder, we struggled with the unthinkable horror that we'd never get to see you grow older.

After we said our final goodbyes, we went to a room only broken-hearted parents get to see. The walls of the ‘daffodil’ room could tell a thousand stories; heart-breaking tales you'd never want to believe could be.

Boxing Day passed and we begged to go home. That much was granted; we walked out without you in our arms to make the silent journey home alone.

Your unopened little bag, a brand-new empty car seat - the tears just kept on falling like a broken record on repeat.

The world suddenly looked so different, everything had changed. I was pale and lifeless and daddy's eyes so grave.

Grief abruptly took your place; an uninvited new member of our family. He lingered around at night and chipped away at us each day. As much as we kept begging, he just wouldn't go away.

Lost is our firstborn daughter, never to be replaced. We're left with a layer of permanent sadness that's now part of our lives every single day.

Death has no place at birth, this just isn't how it’s meant to be. Mummy and Daddy were never meant to outlive you - it just isn't right, you see.

What we wouldn't have done to hear you cry and keep us up at night. Instead, we laid in darkness listening to celebratory New Year fireworks, while holding each other tight.

Know that you are loved and can never be replaced. Your role in our family lives on silently every single day.

We know you can't be with us, but that doesn't stop us wishing it wasn't true. Sadly the reality remains, none of us are able to be with you.

Promise to stay by our side little beautiful Ella Rose, your place is in our hearts and forever in our home.

To strangers' eyes, our second daughter is an only child; your presence to outsiders is rarely known. It means giving them a piece of our broken heart you see - one small choice we actually get to own.

Anyone who matters knows that you were here and your loving family wholeheartedly feels you're always near. Rest assured our sweetheart that in everything we do, we're always and constantly thinking of our precious little you.