Time for me to tell Louis’ story and raise some awareness for triploidy as it isn’t very well known...

On the 13th June 2018 the day that changed me forever!

I went to my 4th scan to see what was going on with baby as every one I went to he was being ‘awkward’ we always laughed it off but this time was very different...

I went in to the scan room and lay down waiting for the gel to hit my belly, he popped the scan thing on ( I don’t know the name ) and there was our little baby wriggling as he always did! The sonographer was very quiet but I assumed he was just a bit grumpy. He turned to me after about 10mins and told me something no parent wants to hear, “ there is something very wrong with your baby’s brain” I just felt the tears fall down my cheeks, I couldn’t breath and I couldn’t see! I ran out the room to ring Paul, as soon as I went to go back a priest appeared, I didn’t see this as a comfort I saw this as a sign of things to come.

I was taken up to a room to wait for a ‘second opinion’ I was in there for what felt like forever. The lady came in, she was very quiet, she began to explain things to me but I found it extremely hard to take in because I could see through the tears and my mind was a mess. I crumbled when Paul got to me and just didn’t want any of this to be real! Why us? What have I done wrong?

The next day 14/06/18 we were sent to a fetal medical unit in London to see a specialist. The wait felt like a lifetime but as soon as the time came to go in to the room my heart sunk, I tried to tell myself they must be wrong? They sometimes get these things wrong right? I laid down to have my scan and then I heard his perfect little heartbeat but little did I know that would be the only and last time we did! I could tell something was wrong by the worried look on everyone’s faces.

We were taken in to a room so we could discuss what we would do next and told what they thought was wrong with our baby, a rare chromosome disorder called ‘triploidy’ I didn’t have a clue what this was or what it was! He explained that our baby would have no life and that he would have a very very low survival rate and even then if he survived pregnancy and birth he would die within a few days!! It hit us like a ton of bricks....

We had to make the worst decision of our lives, to end our baby’s life so he wouldn’t suffer anymore... I had to take the first tablet at the hospital, it took all my strength to even put it near my mouth because I knew what that would be doing, ending our baby’s life forever!

We had to wait 48 gruelling hours before I had to give birth and say goodbye forever to our precious baby.

The dreaded day came 16/06/18 a day that will be imprinted on my mind forever. At 1pm they gave me my 4 tablets to start things off and by 3:30pm it all began and hurt so so badly. I just cried the whole time, I was numb and wished it would all stop but I wasn’t going to and I had to face that reality. By 6:30pm our baby was born, I cried until I was all cried out, I froze!

I got myself cleaned up and then they brought him in to us, we didn’t know what he was until then and I always knew he was a ‘ BOY’ he was perfect in every single way to us. 10 tiny fingers and 10 perfect toes.... our little ‘Louis’ forever loved and forever sleeping.

We had a postmortem done to confirm what Louis and and it was in fact full ‘Triploidy’ a very rare chromosome that only affects 1%-3% of pregnancies world wide and they have no form of life.

Planning a funeral wasn’t what we had planned, I was excited to go shopping and buy things for him but instead we had to pick out funeral songs and flowers!!

Forever missed, forever our little winter bear... we love you to the moon and back
🐻 👼💙💙