This study looks at the cost-effectiveness of the AFFIRM trial for women who experience a change in their baby’s movements.
The AFFIRM trial (which Sands contributed funding to) looked at whether making pregnant women and healthcare staff more aware of changes in babies’ movements could help to reduce stillbirths. In the trial, pregnant women were given a leaflet about noticing their baby’s movements and healthcare professionals received training to send women who noticed changes for an ultrasound scan to check whether the baby was growing as expected. If a woman was over 37 weeks pregnant and her baby’s movements changed more than once, she was offered a drug which would cause labour to start (induction of labour). The results showed that taking all of these steps (together called the AFFIRM ‘package of care’) reduced the rate of stillbirth by 11% on average.
This study aims to assess the cost-effectiveness of the AFFIRM trial’s new package of care, looking at the financial cost per life saved and estimating the total costs and benefits of using the AFFIRM care package across the NHS. There is only a limited amount of money in the NHS budget and so the value for money needs to be calculated (how many lives are saved and how much this costs). This study aims to provide the evidence needed about the costs and benefits of the AFFIRM trial. See this infographic for a combined summary of the AFFIRM trial and this cost-effectiveness analysis trial.