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The Fundraising Team, Sands | 23 June 2020

Bringing together friends and family, earlier this month Sands Supporter Marc Harder led an online Quiz Night to raise money for Sands and raised an incredible £500!

Having originally set himself a challenge of 15 marathons in 15 months, Marc wanted to find a different way to bring people together to support Sands.

With the impact of COVID-19 meaning that mass participation events are postponed or cancelled, the original ideas Marc had to fundraise had to be adapted. A curry night that was originally planned became adapted to an online virtual event, with Marc encouraging friends and family to support their local takeaway before participating in the Sands online quiz, hosted by KwizzBit!

Giving friends and family a little time to plan ahead, Marc shared an invitation with friends on Facebook, asking for a minimum £5 donation for entry to the online event. Upon receiving payment, Marc would then send through the hosting link or the evening, which was held on Zoom and created a Facebook Group so everyone could socialise and get exciting for the main event.

Around 80 people took part in the online event, which took place over the course of a Friday evening, with prizes kindly donation by local businesses for the winners of the evening!

“It was a really good evening”, says Marc. “I did a practice run beforehand with a couple of my close friends and family to ensure everything worked which really helped.”

With donations coming in throughout the evening, Marc wanted to remind everyone of the importance of Sands’ work, sharing a video clip from our latest campaign during the short break half way through the quiz.

So, what advice does Marc have for you? Make sure technology is on your side...

“Strong wifi and unlimited minutes are important”, added Marc “preparation is key!”

Thanks to Supporters like Marc, we are working towards our £100,000 goal and we need your help! Find out more & organise your first #100GrandforSands Quiz here