Key Messages

The latest comparisons of stillbirth and neonatal death rates between European countries is available for 2019. There are various caveats surrounding this data. All of the data on this page comes from the European Perinatal Health Report 2015-2019

  • The UK is average amongst European countries for stillbirth rate
  • The UK is average among European countries for neonatal death rate*
  • More needs to be done to bring these rates down to those seen in some other countries, e.g. Sweden  

*some European countries do not record neonatal deaths separately  and so cannot be compared 

This information was last reviewed in October 2023.


More Information

Direct comparisons with other countries are difficult for various reasons, including the way data on baby deaths is recorded, but the organisation Europeristat produces reports every few years that seek to bring this data together as accurately as possible.

These maps show the differences in stillbirth and neonatal death rate for European countries from 2019.

If you are using a mobile device, we recommend viewing the maps below in landscape orientation.