Nominations for the 2025 Award are now open!
Who can I nominate?
You can nominate any health professional who was involved in your care or the care of someone you know after pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.
This is probably someone who really stayed in your mind because of the things they said and did, the extra care and attention to detail they showed, the difference this made and the longer term benefit that their care had in the weeks, months or years that followed.
What are we looking for?
The judging panel is made up of Sands staff and volunteers, and health professionals (some of whom knew Elaine). When considering nominations, we will be looking for health professionals who really made a difference and provided excellent bereavement care. Some key areas the panel will be considering include:
• Making time and really listening to bereaved parents.
• Creating a safe care space for parents (a calm atmosphere and environment).
• Excellent communication with parents (active listening, being clear, respectful and honest).
• Awareness and knowledge of parents' care options and individual needs.
• Demonstrating compassion, empathy and being person-centred in their bereavement care.
How do I nominate someone?
Please use the form below to make your nomination. If you have any questions, please email