For our Together, we are Sands campaign, we are celebrating the impact of the connections made within and beyond the Sands community.

Thank you to Emily for sharing her connection to our community – a community unlike any other.

"My journey with Sands started when my beautiful little boy Joshua was stillborn at 42 weeks in 2016.

"After seeking support at Sands meetings I learnt how valuable it was to be around people who had an understanding of the painful reality we now faced.

"So, in 2019 I trained as a Befriender and it’s the best thing I could have done as through this role I have built connections in the baby loss community, the medical community and beyond.

"I get to use Joshua’s story to help others and that is a wonderfully powerful thing to be able to do, thanks to Sands."

Read more stories of connections and keep checking for new ones throughout June.

Through all these different experiences, the one connection remains, our precious and loved babies.

Find out how you can get involved in the Together, we are Sands campaign.

Find out more about Befriending.


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