Child Death Review (CDR) information

By law in England, the death of every child from a newborn up to 18 years old will receive a child death review (CDR). For babies who die within 28 days of birth, their child death review is covered by the PMRT review. Completed reviews will be reviewed again by a local Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP). 

The purpose of the CDOP is to provide an overview of deaths to see if they could have been prevented where possible. More than 50 CDOPs are in place across the country, and each is accountable to the local safeguarding children board. They are made up of representatives from social care, and the police as well as coroners and paediatricians. Panels meet several times a year to review all the child deaths in their area. Panels are not given the names of the children who died or the professionals involved in their care. The main purpose is to identify themes and prevent similar deaths in the future.

Child Death Overview Panels do not produce reports on individual child deaths, which is why parents do not receive any information from the panels about their individual child. The panels do, however, produce an annual report which is a public document.

You should have been told by your hospital if your baby's death was being reviewed by your local CDOP.

To find out the contact details of the CDOP in your local area, go to this page

Sands is on the Steering Group of the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) ensuring the voices of parents are central to their work. Launched on  April 1st 2019, the NCMD collects all information on child deaths across England to get a national picture of how deaths might be prevented and care improved for future families.

FAQs reviews - couple supportively holding hands

FAQs about reviews and investigations

Bereaved parents and family members often have lots of questions about the different reviews and investigations that can take place and the detailed processes for each of these. Sands have compiled the following list of FAQs for bereaved parents and family members to help them make sense of all this information.
Read the FAQs
complaints and feedback

If you want to make a complaint or give feedback

You may have questions about your care that were not answered by any review or investigation. You may just want to give your feedback about aspects of your care which were good. To help you do this, we have some support for families.
Find out more
reviews and investigations

More information about reviews

When a baby dies, hospitals carry out a review of the care the mother and baby received to understand if more could have been done to save the baby. Some deaths are also investigated by bodies independent of the NHS.
More information