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Guaranteed Charity Place

If you would like to apply for one of our guaranteed Charity Places in return for your pledge to raise a minimum sponsorship of £100 for Sands, please get in touch on e: fundraising@uk-sands.org, t: 0845 652 0448 or send us a message on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/sandscharity)!

Sponsorship Target

On 15th May, 2016 the Doitforcharity.com run series will host a 5km Superhero Run in Regent's Park, London. So why not be a Superhero for a day by signing up today? Just a few miles from the centre of London, Regent's Park is one of the largest parks in the London area, a wonderful setting for your 5 or 10km run! Up to 1,000 people are expected to take part raising funds for hundreds of different charities and now this is your chance to join them and the rest of the Sands Superheros and raise funds for us. This is the perfect distance for people of all fitness levels and with a bit of training this 5 or 10km should easily be within your capabilities. The spirit of the event is 'taking part' not 'winning' so you can run, jog or walk - you decide! Anyone over the age of 8 years old may take part although children under the age of 16 will require parental consent and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  Registration of this event includes a Superhero costume!

To join Team Sands 2016* and sign up all we ask is that that each person taking one of our charity places pledges to raise a minimum of £100, which we hope you will find to be achievable (after all it’s not every day that you run 5 or 10k)!

*Please note, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.



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