Share your message of care and support

Many of us know how much comfort we find in the kind words and support of others during life's toughest moments. Help support a bereaved family by sharing a few words of comfort today, reminding them that they are not alone and are part of a community who cares and understands.

We'll add your message, along with many others, to a special online space that will be available to bereaved families. It could be something that shared with you that really made a difference, a poem that gave you peace, or a verse that you find helpful.

Thank you for helping us to be there for every family, for every parent, for every baby.


Your message will be published with other messages of support in our new online resource. If you change your mind and would like us to remove it at any time, please let us know by emailing We may include your name alongside your message, but if you prefer we didn't, please tick the box below for your message to be shared anonymously. Your details are safe with us. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

"Thank you so much for taking the time to support our Memory Box Appeal and leave a message of care. It's small acts of kindness like these that make the Sands community so special and help people feel they are not alone. Thank you." 

Clea Harmer, Chief Executive, Sands

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