Saving babies' lives. Supporting bereaved families.

We work to support anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.

We also carry out vital work to improve maternity safety through targeted research, campaigning for change, working with government and reducing inequalities in healthcare to save babies' lives.

Babies are dying every day. Currently in the UK, 13 families a day suffer the heartbreak of losing their baby before, during or shortly after birth. This must change.

Our vision is for a world where fewer babies die and when a baby does die anyone affected receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need.

Sands was founded by bereaved parents in 1978 who found that there was no access to support following the deaths of their babies. Since then Sands has grown, but parents who have experienced baby loss are still at the heart of everything we do.

We are made up of staff and volunteers who work together to ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby has access to compassionate, experienced support. We offer one-to-one and group support through our various bereavement support channels, local groups and Sands United football teams, our family and remembrance events and we provide virtual and physical bereavement resources such as memory boxes.

We save babies' lives by amplifying the voices of bereaved families and healthcare professionals, campaigning for change in policy and practice, and funding research to understand why babies die.

Together, with our supporters, we are Sands.