Payroll Giving is smart and tax-efficient way for UK taxpayers to support charities, as the donation is made from your gross salary before tax is deducted. 

Payroll Giving For Employees:

Benefits of Payroll Giving 

  • Your regular donations will help us to support bereaved families and save babies’ lives.
  • It’s simple and effortless giving – once set up you can make regular donations that are taken straight from your salary without you having to do anything.

How much is your donation worth 
For standard-rate taxpayers, if you donate £10 to Sands it will only cost you £8. If you're a higher-rate taxpayer, Payroll Giving is the most tax-efficient way to give - a £10 donation will cost you just £6. The amount you give is up to you.

How do I sign up?
Ask your employer for details on how to sign up if they already have a scheme. Your employer will need to set up and run the scheme. The amount of tax relief you get as an employee depends on the rate of tax you pay. (see FAQs)

If your employer doesn't currently run a Payroll Giving scheme, they can find out how to set one up - where they will find a list of approved Payroll Giving Agencies who can facilitate a scheme for their employees.

Payroll Giving For Employers: 

Benefits of Payroll Giving 

  • Having a Payroll Giving scheme outwardly shows your support for charitable causes that your staff care about.
  • Reach your corporate social responsibility goals by providing a simple way for employees to give to charity.
  • Minimal hassle to set up scheme and facilitate donations - Work with an approved Payroll Giving Agency who will take care of the admin.
  • Create a positive and morale boosting opportunity for employee engagement.

Matched Giving 
Employers can choose to match their employees’ donations, increasing the support for employees’ chosen charities. Matched donations do not incur administration fees and they can be charged against company profits as a charitable donation.

Payroll Giving Quality Mark Awards 
The UK government funds the Payroll Giving Quality Mark scheme which recognises and rewards organisations for encouraging staff to donate through Payroll Giving.

How do we set up Payroll Giving?
To set up the scheme you will need to contact a Payroll Giving agency. Check out the full list of HMRC approved agencies.

Payroll Giving FAQs:

For more advice on setting up Payroll Giving, please contact: