30 days, 30 seconds a day. Take a dip a day during April in our cold water challenge. 

SAN-CWC-APR-Swim-Cap AB0-AC947-118-F-4-FAD-ACE4-FD1-AA4-B69112-Kate-turner

Will you join us and commit to the challenge? 

Sands want to ensure that everyone affected by the loss of a baby gets the support they need and deserve when facing the toughest of time.  We want to campaign for change and support research so that fewer babies die and so that fewer families experience the pain of losing a baby.

Whether you take your cold water dip in the sea, a lake or the shower you will be part of an incredible team who are dedicated to making a difference.

Sign up and start fundraising by joining the Facebook group:

Cold Water Challenge - 30 days, 30 seconds a day
Private group · 2,464 members
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Join the Sands Cold Water Challenge Challenge. In this group, find out how to set up a fundraiser, where to register for your free t-shirt and p...



Digital tracker - download a digital tracker to record your plunges (there's one in your pack also!)

Digital Badges - download badges to share your progress with friends and family.

Sponsorship form - download this form to collect cash donations. You can then pay these onto your Facebook fundraiser and send us a photo/scan of the form to allow us to claim Gift Aid.

You may have questions about the challenge. If you need to speak to a member of our team, you can email challenge@sands.org.uk – but we’re quite busy to it may take us a couple of days to get back to you. In the meantime, you can read our FAQs below.

How do I sign up?

To sign up to the challenge, firstly, join the Facebook group.

Once you’re in the group, you can register for your swimming cap, activate your fundraiser, get tips, be inspired and find out anything you want to know about the challenge! 

I don’t have Facebook but want to take part. How do I do this?

No problem! Simply fill out the registration form.

We will send you a tracker and a swim cap and you can set up an online fundraiser on JustGiving. And you can download a copy of the sponsorship form.

I’ve just signed up, now what?

Firstly, join the Facebook Group we set up for this challenge. Once you’re in the group, you can register for your swim cap, set up your fundraiser, get tips, be inspired and find out anything you want to know about the challenge! 

Is there an entry fee or fundraising target?

There is no entry fee for this challenge. We do however ask you to fundraise as part of your challenge. Facebook Fundraisers are the easiest way to raise money. Yours will be activated automatically when you register for your swim cap. And then it’s really easy to share the page with your Facebook friends. 

Can I take part in the challenge if I am based overseas?

Yes, you can! You can sign up to challenge and joining the Facebook group. We can send a digital pack to your email - please email challenge@sands.org.uk to request one. Due to postage costs, we are unable to send you a swim cap in the post.  You can download the print the tracker here.

When and where is this challenge?

This is a virtual cold water Challenge for everyone and starts on 1st April.  Take on 30 seconds a day of plunging into cold water, every day in April. You can do this at home in your shower or bath. You can also take the cold water plunge in your local river or sea,  but be sure to take precautions so that you are safe whilst completing your challenge. You can do this together with your friends and family. 

Can I just raise money offline with a sponsorship form?

Absolutely. You can collect sponsorship in any way you like. We simply recommend Facebook Fundraisers for this challenge as they’re easy and hassle-free, but if you’d like a sponsorship form, you can download one here.

Can I raise money on another online platform like JustGiving?

Facebook sends the money directly to us and doesn’t charge you or us any fees, but if you would like to set up a fundraising page on another online platform, we recommend JustGiving. If you use a different online platform other than JustGiving or Facebook, please email Challenge@sands.org.uk with your fundraising page link.  

You can also collect cash sponsorship using our sponsorship form which is available to download.

My family want to do the challenge with me. Can they have swim caps?

No problem! Simply ask them to fill out the registration form and we will send them a tracker and a swim cap.

If they're not fundraising, you can buy additional swim caps on our shop.

Can I do a shorter/longer/earlier/later challenge?

Yes! Every cold water plunge you do will help Sands. So do this challenge in whatever way works best for you. Every plunge is very much appreciated! 

Do I have to prove I’ve completed the challenge?

You don’t need to prove you’ve completed the challenge– we trust you! You can post videos, pictures, and updates on your Facebook Fundraiser, in the group or on social media and tag it with #ColdWaterChallenge. Sharing updates and your milestone badges is also a great way to show those who have sponsored you that you’re committed to completing the challenge. 

How can my friends who aren't on Facebook donate?

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to donate to a Facebook fundraiser if you don’t have an account. We suggest asking them to transfer you the money, and you paying it to your Facebook fundraiser yourself. They could also donate via our website: www.sands.org.uk/donate and adding the challenge name ‘Cold Water Challenge' and your name. Please also email challenge@sands.org.uk to let us know about this donation.  

How do I pay in my fundraising?

If you’ve collected offline fundraising, the easiest way to pay this to Sands if by donating it to your Facebook fundraiser.

If you don't have one, you can also donate on our website. Make sure to say that your money is for your Cold Water Challenge in April so that we can make sure it is added to your total. 

Make sure you email your sponsorship form to challenge@sands.org.uk after donating so we can claim valuable gift aid. 

If you’re not able to donate this way, then drop us an email to challenge@sands.org.uk and we can discuss other ways of getting the donation to us. 

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