Harrison's Story

My whole pregnancy was what people call a textbook pregnancy.

We had no problems, and every scan we went to,  Harrison was doing extremely well.

On the 10th Jan I was in agony the pain was unbearable, I called the MAU to be seen as these pains weren't right, after a long wait we were finally seen and discharged after given a few tablets.

The next day I was still in the same pain but I didn't think anything of it as the nurse said I wasn't in labour and everything was ok.

On the 12th Janaury my waters broke at home and our little boy was ready for his grand entrance.

Harrison was born fully at hospital but due to complications at birth he was in a critical condition.

Harrison weighed a perfect 4lbs 4, in every way I can describe him he was perfect. Harrison never opened his eyes, we never heard his first cry, he had wires everywhere and the only thing keeping him alive was his ventilator.

On the 14th January Harrison's condition was getting worse and myself and my partner were left with a decision no parents should make. At 9.14pm on the 14th Harrison sadly passed away on his own and has left a huge whole that no-one will ever replace.

I love my boy more and more each and every day and I'm sorry I couldn't have got him home.

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