Marc Harder, Sands, National Bereavement Care Pathway Project, Lead
Marc Harder, National Bereavement Care Pathway Lead, Sands | 21 December 2017

Can it really be 9 months since the first NBCP blog? I’d like to thank so many people who have supported us over that time. There are too many to name and I would hate to leave anyone out! So I will just say a huge thank you to you all: whether you are parents, professionals, colleagues, NBCP stakeholders and supporters alike, all of you have helped to give such great momentum to the project over the year. Looking back at the monthly blogs shows just how far the project has come.

We’ve achieved a great deal over that time, with 11 pilot sites already up and running with the NBC Pathway across the country, with plans for 20 more to come on board wave 2 in April 2018. We have almost 40 expressions of interest so it’s going to be a busy January finalising the wave 2 programme.

We will also be updating the documentation based on feedback from the pilot sites and will continue our training and evaluation work, looking forward to the interim report which we anticipate to be in April and then a final report in October ahead of a wider national launch of the programme.

nbcp, run, runbcp, half marathon

Speaking of time flying by, can it really be a week since nine of us were running through London on the #RuNBCP? It was great to have such support as we stopped off at our NBCP Core Group partner offices and completed what ended up being 14.5 miles, including a very wet and windy stage through Regents’ Park, truly the worst weather conditions many of us have ever run in. But at each stop we had refreshment and encouragement from our colleagues, cheering us on our way, and that to me sums up the year – working in collaboration to achieve a joint aim no matter how much of a hard slog it can feel at times, no matter what the storms throw at us.

So on behalf of all the NBCP Project Team and Core Group, another big thank you for all you have done this year to cheer us along the way and here’s to another productive year in 2018.

To everyone who reads the blog and supports the NBCP I wish you a very meaningful and restful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2018.
