Sands Fundraising blog, charity, stillbirth, neonatal death, support
The Fundraising Team, Sands | 24 January 2018

Check out the rest of our #challenge15 hall of fame for challenge inspiration, fundraising tips, and to find out how #TeamSands will be completing their challenges! 

Want to get involved? Start your #challenge15 RIGHT NOW!

Name: Susy and her walking feet

Why are you taking part in #challenge15? I am taking part in #Challenge15 to help ensure that the care parents receive when a baby dies is consistent across the UK. My big sister, Katheryn died at just 4 days old and I know how devastating this was for my parents and sadly, last year I also experienced my own earlier pregnancy loss at 13 weeks. That’s why I am taking part and fundraising to help ensure the right care is available at the right time following the death of a baby. Sands is working with a number of other baby-loss charities and organisations and leading on the roll-out of the National Bereavement Care Pathway (NBCP) to ensure parents and families receive the best possible care when a baby dies.

What are you doing to complete your #challenge15? On 15th January, with work colleagues from Sands, I walked 15 miles around 15 landmarks in London. It was a fantastic team effort and a great way to see the sites of our capital city! We all felt really proud of our achievement and our sore legs and feet the next day were worth it!

What are your top tips for fundraising? Does the company or organisation you work for have a matched giving scheme? Some companies match any employee fundraising for charity up to a certain amount so it’s worth checking with your Line manager or HR department!

Online donation page: