Sands Fundraising blog, charity, stillbirth, neonatal death, support
The Fundraising Team, Sands | 7 September 2018

Mark, from Merseyside, is running the Great North Run this Sunday. Here is his story and why he is running for Sands. 

Why you are running for Sands: My cousins beautiful little girl Star was born sleeping and Sands were a massive support to her and her husband.


What has been your biggest challenge while training?

Illness and injuries that have stopped me training as much as I’d hoped.

What are you most looking forward to about being part of the Great North Run?

The atmosphere and being able to represent Sands.

What is your expected fundraising target?

£500 minimum.

What is your expected finishing time?

I was hoping for just under 2 hours but given how my training has gone probably about 2hours 15 minutes.


