Sands Fundraising blog, charity, stillbirth, neonatal death, support
The Fundraising Team, Sands | 5 February 2020

We asked Jaz and Adam why they got involved in #Challenge14 this year and they very kindly wrote these words to share with you...

When did you become aware of Sands?

We became aware of Sands the day after our son Wyatt was born sleeping through their bereavement pack.

Why did you choose to do #Challenge14 this year?

There are several reasons why we chose to do #Challenge14.

  • In loving memory of our son Wyatt and to share a little bit of him - we are so, so proud of our son and love him dearly. We were also unsure how to tell people about Wyatt passing away and felt #challenge14 also helped with this.
  • To give us a purpose for a short while, having Wyatt was a whole new purpose for us we were really excited and looking forward to becoming parents and having a whole new life purpose. Returning home with empty arms made us realise our purpose had gone.
  • We naively thought stillbirth no longer existed and were utterly shocked when we found out. We struggle to believe that the risks of stillbirth and meaning of stillbirth where never shared with us during our pregnancy - we feel transparency is needed in pregnancy/maternity care and we felt #challenge14 could help us raise awareness.
  • To help fundraise money for Sands, the online community is something I use nearly daily and helps me feel not so alone.
  • To help break the silence and stigma.
  • To help reduce the numbers of babies dying each day - no baby should die and no parent should have to go through the loss of a baby


What was your #Challenge14 challenge and why did you choose that challenge in particular?

We chose to walk for 14 days in 14 locations and spread awareness through 14 roses. We left a rose at each location with a tag on that had information about our Wyatt and baby loss. We chose this challenge because we felt it provided us with purpose for 14 days and to also help raise awareness and awaken people that this is something that is still very much happening and break the silence.


How did you find fundraising for your challenge?

We were so amazed how supportive people have been, I feel #Challenge14 has helped people show us they care and love us and that they also want to see change and the numbers reduce drastically.

Would you take on #Challenge14 again and if you did, what challenge would you do?

We would most definitely do #Challenge14 again, we are unsure what we would do but I think it would be to continue spreading awareness and perhaps involving our community.

What would you say to anyone thinking about signing up to #Challenge14?

Definitely sign up, it's for such an amazing charity and cause. We need to keep fighting baby loss and get those numbers reduced - we need people to be aware and break the silence so change can happen and we feel #Challenge14 is helping with this. It was #Challenge15 in 2018 and to know that this has reduced is every reason why you should sign up to #Challenge14. 

How you can get involved with #Challenge14

You can find out more about  what #Challenge14 is and how you can sign up by heading to the #Challenge14 page on our website here. Sign up today and help us continue to reduce the number babies who die each day. 

Or you can support Jazz and Adam through their fundraising by clicking here.