We are delighted to announce that Sands has been awarded the Helplines Standard accreditation by the Helplines Partnership for a further three years. 

Helplines Partnership (HLP) is a membership body for organisations that provide helpline services via phone and multi-channel methods in the UK and Internationally. The Helplines Standard accreditation identifies the practices that enable an organisation to deliver a helpline service which is consistent with and relevant to the needs of its stakeholders and effective in what it is trying to achieve. 

The observations carried out during the assessment by the HLP found that the commitment to delivering an effective high-quality service continued to be strongly evident. As a result, they were pleased to award us with the accreditation for a further three years until 2027.   

The HLP also found that it was clear that the helpline planning is strongly focused on meeting the needs of callers (service users) and there is evidence of regular review and development to respond to emerging needs.  

“I am delighted that we have been accredited once again by the Helplines Partnership, showing the high quality of trauma-informed support delivered across the UK by our Bereavement Services team. The accreditation process itself is comprehensive and rigorous. It ensures that we not only provide the best possible care and support for bereaved parents, families & friends, health care professionals and others seeking support and advice, but that we also have the staff support in place for our team to enable them to provide this in a sustainable way.  

People contact us at some of the hardest times of their lives and we are privileged to be able to give people confidence, knowing that we will hold and support them for as long as they need us in a competent, kind and trauma-informed way.”  

- Jen Coates, Director of Bereavement Support and Community & Volunteering at Sands  


“I spoke to someone who helped me to grieve. I had bottled it up for years. She was a good listener and helped me a lot. So, thank you Sands, I am very grateful.” 

- A bereaved parent who received support from Sands Helpline 

Some other key highlights identified by the Helplines Partneship assessment: 

  • Sands demonstrates a clear and comprehensive understanding of accessibility. This includes the availability of Language Line or SignLive, support materials available in twelve different languages, plus Easy Read, and support pages available in five different languages.  
  • Bereavement Support Services Officers are confident and experienced in their roles, delivering support that is appropriate, compassionate and comprehensive. Their passion for the service and commitment to providing a high-quality service is clear to see.  
  • Sands have implemented measures to support the physical and mental wellbeing of their helpline staff and volunteers.  

We are incredibly proud of and grateful to our wonderful Bereavement Support Services team. Without them, this award recognition wouldn’t have been possible. Their continued excellence ensures that we can provide the very best care and support to anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby for however long they need.  

How to contact the Sands Helpline 
Call our freephone Helpline on 0808 164 3332 or email: helpline@sands.org.uk 

You can also find other ways that we offer support on our website.

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