The Perinatal Expert Panel (PEP) make recommendations about research funding to the Trustees.
Professor Gordon Smith (Chair), Professor and Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Cambridge University and Honorary Consultant in Maternal-Fetal Medicine (CUHFT)
Dr Sarah Stock, Senior Clinical Lecturer, Honorary Consultant and Subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine, University of Edinburgh Queen's Medical Research Institute
Professor Stephen Charnock-Jones, Professor of Reproductive Biology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cambridge, The Rosie Hospital, Cambridge
Professor Alexander Heazell, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Obstetrics and Clinical Director of the Tommy’s Stillbirth Research Centre, Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre, University of Manchester, UK
Dr Alyson Hunter, Consultant Obstetrician, The Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital, Belfast [also a Sands Trustee]
Dr Tracey Mills, Lecturer in Midwifery, University of Manchester
Professor Jane Sandall, Professor of Social Science and Women’s Health, Division of Women’s Health, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, King’s College London
Dr Dimitrios Siassakos, Consultant Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics, Director of Research Academic Centre for Women's Health, University of Bristol & Southmead Hospital; Lead for Obstetric Education Reproductive Health and Care of Newborn, University of Bristol
Professor Baskaran Thilaganathan, Professor in Fetal Medicine, St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London
Professor Jim Thornton (Vice Chair), Consultant Obstetrician and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Nottingham
Dr Nicola Mackintosh, Associate Professor in Social Science Applied to Health, University of Leicester
Professor Andrew Ewer, Professor of Neonatal Medicine, University of Birmingham; Honorary Consultant Neonatologist, Birmingham Women's Hospital
Conflict of Interests Policy
PEP Terms of Reference