One of our core aims is to improve the quality of care offered during pregnancy and in the event of a baby dying.  We work in partnership with health professionals and others to minimise the risks of stillbirth and to ensure the families of those babies who do die receive the best possible care.

“I will always remember the midwife who looked after us throughout the labour and when our beautiful son was born dead. She managed to make a terrible event into something that was also very precious. She delivered him with such love and care. With one exception, everyone we saw during that awful time was kind and supportive. Remembering their kindness has kept us going through the darkest times.”  Mum

The death of a baby during pregnancy, at birth, or after birth is a major bereavement. The care that parents receive around this time has a huge impact on their long-term wellbeing. Good care cannot remove the pain and devastation that bereaved parents experience, but poor or insensitive care makes things worse, both immediately and in the months and years that follow.

To enable professionals working in this area we provide clear guidelines on the principles of bereavement care including 5 key ways for improving care. We have a wealth of tools, information and printed resources for professionals as well as resources for supporting parents. We also offer extensive training for professionals.