She was not ours for long

She's up in heaven now

Running, playing and singing songs

And so my little angel

This is written just for you

To let you know

How much your daddy and I miss you so.

When I look up to the sky

On a very starry night

The tiniest star I see

is our angel shining bright

I never got to tuck you in

Or hear your bedtime prayers

Or read to you the story

Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

I never got to kiss your face

Or hold your little hand

Why god took our little angel 

We try to understand

This year on christmas eve

We'll hang an ornament on the tree

It will be a little angel

Like the one who waits for me.

When I die and go to heaven

The first thing i want to see 

Are my darling little angels arms

Reaching out for me.

Love Mummy and Daddy x