Covid-19 in Pregnancy in Scotland


The Covid-19 in Pregnancy in Scotland (COPS) study reveals that women with Covid-19 towards the end of their pregnancy are at higher risk for birth-related complications, while vaccination poses no increased risk.

The COPS study, supported by Sands, looks at how Covid-19 infections and vaccinations affect pregnant women in Scotland. The study found that all women who get Covid-19 close to their due date are more likely to have problems during birth than those who might get it earlier on in pregnancy. It also showed that for women who caught Covid-19 during later pregnancy, those who are not vaccinated are more likely to have a preterm birth or lose their baby than women who are vaccinated.

The COPS study provides clear evidence that there are no additional risks to mothers and babies from being vaccinated against Covid-19, and that vaccination is the best way to protect babies from the effects of Covid-19. You can find out more information about Covid-19 on the Safer Pregnancy website.

You can find out more information on the study website, including a video presentation where the researchers discuss the project in more detail.

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