The ESMiE confidential enquiry


The ESMiE confidential enquiry investigated baby deaths in midwifery-led and home birth settings, finding that 75% of those deaths might have been prevented with improved care

The ESMiE confidential enquiry reviewed 100 cases in which a baby died following the mother going into labour in a midwifery-led setting (such as a community-based birth centre) or at home. The researchers examined the quality of care in these cases and looked at the details of hospital reviews of these deaths in order to find ways to improve care and prevent deaths in the future.

The enquiry found that in 75% of the deaths reviewed care could have been improved to the extent where there may have been a different outcome for the baby. A set of recommendations were produced to improve communications between midwives and mothers and birth centres and ambulance services, and for there to be clear guidelines on how to manage neonatal emergencies in community settings, influencing the creation of a national guidance document by BAPM.

You can find out more about the difference this research has made to Sands' work to make maternity care safer.

You can also follow this link to read the Neonatal Support for Freestanding Midwifery Led Units and Home Births - A BAPM Framework for Practice.

Find out more about what we do and our plans for the future in our research strategy.