InSight - investigating bereavement care practices


What kind of care do bereaved parents want? And how can we improve both training and support for health professionals who deliver care?

Around 6,500 parents are bereaved every year when their baby dies either before or shortly after they are born. We at Sands know how devastating this experience is. We have written Guidelines for Professionals, now in their fourth edition, aimed at guiding health professionals in how to care for families when a pregnancy ends or when a baby is either stillborn or dies soon after birth.

While Sands has a wealth of anecdotal information about what bereaved parents found helpful and unhelpful in their bereavement care, there is very little evidence to guide and ensure more standardised practice. Surveys Sands have undertaken suggest that like many aspects of the NHS, bereavement care is a post-code lottery: some units are centres of good practice and others are not. We need evidence to understand the main issues in counselling and bereavement care experienced by women and their partners. What is already done well? How can current care be improved from the parents' perspective? And what are the main challenges in training for staff who care for bereaved parents. How might problems be addressed?


Find out more about what we do and our plans for the future in our research strategy.