Pregnancy Outcome Prediction Study 2 (POPS2)


The POPS2 study aims to better understand and predict what makes some pregnancies more at risk of complications than others

It is vital to be able to assess risks in pregnancy as accurately as possible in order to give the baby and mum the right care. Moreover, progress to develop better healthcare for pregnancies is slowed by lack of understanding of why complications happen. POPS2 seeks to better understand the causes of pregnancy complications and produce tests which are better at predicting complications.

This research builds on findings from previous work done during the POPS study. This showed that blood tests and ultrasound scans are able to predict problems for the baby during pregnancy to an extent. POPS2 will further test the reliability and accuracy of these predictions over a larger number and more diverse population of pregnant women.

Each woman will have extra blood tests, ultrasound scans and measurements of the baby’s blood flow. The results of these tests and scans will be recorded and then compared based on the outcome of each pregnancy to work out how well they predict different levels of risk for each baby. The overall aim is for this data to add to the findings of the first POPS study to provide a clearer picture of how well these tests can predict problems for the baby in pregnancy.

Find out more about what we do and our plans for the future in our research strategy.