The Sands Award for Bereavement Care is one of the Royal College of Midwives’ Annual Midwifery Awards. It was first awarded in March 2017. Nominations are now open for the 2018 Sands Award for Bereavement Care.

When a baby dies, the care that parents receive from the health professionals can have a huge impact on their long-term wellbeing. Good care can help parents and families of a baby who has died through a devastating experience, and the positive impact of good care can have long lasting effects.

The Sands Award for Bereavement Care recognises excellence in bereavement care provision by maternity staff for women and their families when a baby dies. This award will go to a midwife, student midwife, maternity support worker or maternity team who provide high quality, parent-centred, empathic and safe bereavement care.


Sands Award for Bereavement Care Winner 2017

rcm, sands award, bereavement care, clare beesley

HEFT Bereavement Team

Clare Beesley

Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

Shortlisted entrants for the Sands Award for Bereavement Care 2017

Bereavement care

Louise Bardon and Angela O’Toole

East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

HEFT Bereavement Team

Clare Beesley

Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

Honeysuckle Bereavement Team

Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust

Using simulation-based education to teach students about bereavement care

Anne Leyland

University of Salford

Improving the care bereaved parents receive is one of Sands’ core aims. To achieve this we work in partnership with health professionals and others to minimise the risks of stillbirth and to ensure the families of those babies who do die receive the best possible care. Find out more about how we do this here.