Parents' experiences are at the heart of what we do

By putting bereaved parents' voices at the heart of our work we can make sure their views lead to better care for every pregnant mother and baby, now and in the future. Through our surveys and focus groups we are working to reduce inequalities, so that everyone receives high quality care.
The Sands Listening Project

The Sands Listening Project

In 2023, Sands listened to the experiences of bereaved Black and Asian parents to understand if there are inequalities in care. The findings highlight barriers, biases and poor care that may be contributing to inequalities in baby deaths in the UK.
Find out more
Bereaved parents' experiences of care survey

Bereaved parents' experiences of care

In June 2023, Sands ran a survey asking bereaved parents about their care during pregnancy, birth, bereavement and follow-up investigations, such as post-mortems.
See the results
Experiences of bereaved parents from South Asian and black communities report cover

Focus groups with South Asian and Black parents

This 2022 report explores the views of bereaved parents from South Asian and Black communities, through focus groups, to gain insight into their experiences of maternity and neonatal care.
Read the report
Parents' experiences of review

In their own words: Parents' experiences of review

Our 2021 survey looked at parents' experiences of the review process into their care. The findings have been shared with organisations across the UK. Parents' quotes are now included in our training for healthcare professionals.
Read the report
Survey of Black and South Asian families

Survey of Black and South Asian families

In the summer of 2021, Sands surveyed bereaved parents and family members from Black and South Asian communities to find out about their experiences of bereavement care and support.
Read the report
Survey of maternity and neonatal care

Survey of maternity and neonatal care

In 2019, around 1,000 parents responded to our survey about their experiences of care before and after their baby died. We used what the told us in our policy and campaigns work in the following year.
Read the findings
Listening to parents survey

National survey of bereaved parents

The National Perinatal Mortality Unit, at the University of Oxford, with Sands and Bliss as partners, ran the first national survey of bereaved parents’ experiences in 2015. This showed where care needed to improve and has been acted upon in the years following the report.
Read the report
Over more than a decade there have been numerous national maternity reports highlighting where care for mothers and babies should be improved to save lives. These national reports, many of which were driven by the voices and experiences of parents, have focussed national attention on making care in the UK even safer.