Sands is the link between research, learning and safer maternity care. Drawing on new discoveries and the voices of parents, we are pulling together evidence and best practice and developing training to support you in making care safer and more personalised for all parents.
Care Bundle

Saving Babies' Lives Care Bundle

To support the UK's national ambition to reduce baby deaths, NHS England developed a 'bundle' or package of best practice around areas of maternity care. Sands supports the Care Bundle with Safer Pregnancy messaging developed through research and national collaboration.
Saving Babies' Lives Care Bundle
parents and reviews

Involving Parents in Review resources

Parents have the greatest stake in understanding why their baby died. Including their concerns, questions and views about their care is not only essential for them but it also provides a 360 degree view of care. Evidence shows that involving them in review improves learning and therefore the potential to save future lives.
Resources and training
post mortem

Sands' post-mortem consent package

Sands worked with a multi-disciplinary group to improve support for healthcare professionals seeking post-mortem consent from parents. The package is endorsed by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA).
Post-mortem consent package
Maternity Bereavement Experience Measure

Maternity Bereavement Experience Measure

The MBEM is designed to give parents whose baby has died a way of feeding back their views about the quality of bereavement care they received and whether it met their needs. This is to inform best practice and service improvements locally.
MBEM more information
Safer pregnancy

Safer Pregnancy website information

Sands co-designed public health information for pregnant women based on focus groups and in collaboration with the Royal Colleges, NHS England, policy-makers and other charities. The Safer Pregnancy website provides 'straight-talking' pregnancy advice and is part of the Saving Babies' Lives Care Bundle.
Safer Pregnancy website
Bereavement care resources

Resources around bereavement care

Health care professionals can have a positive influence on how families experience their care when a baby dies. No level of care can take away the pain families feel but high quality care can help families process their grief and begin to learn to live without their much-loved baby.
Bereavement care resources
Find out more about all of Sands' work to save babies' lives by better understanding why babies die, making care safer and improving bereavement care and support