Stillbirth is when a baby dies before or during birth, after 24 weeks of pregnancy. 

If you have experienced a stillbirth, please know that our support is here for you

There are many families affected by stillbirth in the Sands community. Connecting with others can show you that you have far more in common than you expected. 

Our Helpline is open 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday and 6pm to 9pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. You can also call us on 0808 164 3332 or email the team at 

Alternatively, you can find out other ways we offer support and more information in our Bereavement Support book


Giving birth

If you have been told that your baby has died before labour begins, it can be a difficult time, waiting to give birth. The healthcare professionals responsible for your care should discuss the options available to you. It is important that you have the information you need so that you can make informed decisions. It is also important that you have someone to support you when you give birth.

Sometimes a baby may die during labour, when parents were expecting a health baby to be born.

You may find it useful to read our information about how you and medical professionals can understand why your baby has died


Remembering your baby 

There are many ways of making memories, including taking photographs, hand or footprints. Please talk to your midwife or other healthcare professional so that they can help you. Sands can also provide a memory box so that you can keep and continue adding important memories.

You may find it helpful to read the pages on Remembering your Baby and Saying Goodbye to your Baby in our Bereavement Support Book


Registering the birth

If a baby is stillborn, they will not have a birth and death certificate. Instead, you will need to register a stillbirth. The length of time before you are required to do this varies between the different nations of the UK.

We hear from many people who have had a stillbirth how important it is to have a record of their baby, and so Sands can also provide a certificate