It was 20 years ago yesterday that Darcy made an appearance, I remember that day like it was only yesterday.

She was my first baby, I was excited, nervous all the emotions a new mum would feel.

My due date was 9th October but early on 4th October I had a massive bleed.

I was rushed to hospital, straight into theatre and Darcy was born by c section very quickly.

When I was woken from the anaesthetic I was given 2 photos of my baby.

The nurse said “you have a little girl but she’s very poorly “. I was taken to Darcy in intensive care, she was on a ventilator with lots of tubes, wires and equipment all around her. I had suffered a placenta abruption, something I’d never heard of, and my baby was going to die.

Darcy was taken of the machines and the tubes, wires removed and was given to us while she slipped away.

All my family were able to see her and have a cuddle and the staff were amazing.

Darcy now rests in the local cemetery where we visit regularly. You never get over losing a baby, you learn to live with it and it does get easier. I have 2 more children now aged 18 and 16 and they know all about there big sister.

Darcy will always be with me, she is my angel 👼