My story starts in 1975, all through my pregnancy I was having problems, my baby was due in June.

In 1972 I had a Spina bifida baby called daniel he lived 9 days.

Because of this I was sent for genetic testing. The doctors told me that I could have another baby the same as Daniel as the chances go to 1 in 20.

When I found out I was pregnant again , I went to St Marys hospital.

I needed a test amino test , but in those days they didn't have scans, so that night after the test I started bleeding. From then on I was in and out of hospital.

On February 20th I was admitted to the hospital. They said my waters had broken. 

I was in the hospital and my waters were tested. They told me my baby wasn't a Spina bifida baby but I was on bed rest for 6 weeks. Gregory arrived on April the 4th 1975. He lived for 8 hours.

Everybody in the hospital were great and they baptised him.

The reason I'm telling this story is because after 8 weeks in the hospital I was sent home. I don't know where my baby was laid to rest.

After all these years I would love to know where he is.