Two souls came together in a later year

Grateful to have put behind them all their cares and fears

To start a family, the desire came soon

To be blessed with a child; we’d be over the moon

Get settled and ready; you just need to wait

Wait for a while; it isn’t too late!

Patience, patience; belief and trust

Keeping the faith was an absolute must

The hope the child would come was hard to contain

To relinquish control was always the aim

Hope was raised then dashed; brought to depths of despair

Anger, frustration; emotions beware

A belief so strong we knew it would be

A blessing of a child we could finally decree

Then finally she came and stayed; the baby we had long for prayed

The gift of this soul had been bestowed; a role we had hoped for; to watch her grow

Blessed and grateful beyond belief; no more frustration, sadness or grief

The role of a guide we are to play; giving love, light and knowledge along the way

The girl is Isabella; so graceful and wise

A definite old soul; an angel in disguise

Surrounded by angels, protected on Earth

Destined for greatness; we are blessed with your birth
