I will never forget the joy my husband and I felt when we were told that were having twins.

We were so excited for their birth and our future together. I went into premature labour at 32 weeks and the boys were born on the 22nd November 2007, weighing 4lbs1oz and 4lbs 4oz we named them Jack and James. Within hours we were told that James was very ill and may not survive. I will never forget the pain of being told your child is going to die.

James passed away 5 days later, in his daddy's arms, surrounded by our wonderful families. Our world was shattered!

Jack remained in hospital for a further 4 weeks and is now a healthy 11 year old. We also now have two other children but not a day goes by that we don't think of James. He is missed so very much. It is so hard watching Jack grow up without his twin and reaching each milestone without James by his side.

James Ruairi Morris - held in our arms a while, held in out hearts forever xxxx