On the 7th December it was revealed I was definitely pregnant, after sailing through a really good pregnancy with no morning sickness, no troubles I thought everything was great.

Towards the end on the pregnancy I split with my baby’s dad, the only way I had coped with it was knowing my little boy would be the key to everything in my life, not knowing I'd lose him as well.

My due date occurred, I was all ready for my baby’s arrival. So excited and so nervous, I prepared myself for labour, learnt all the techniques of helping the pain and preparing for my first skin to skin contact.

The day after my due date, 10th August I had a stretch and sweep hoping it would work, but no luck. They set my induction date for the 21st August. On Friday 11th August I was sent for a scan, he was fine and very healthy, he was a good weight too. Then Sunday 13th august I realised I hadn’t felt him move, I went straight to the Hospital and after 4 hours of waiting, finally got seen. Where it was revealed two monitors and two scans later he had passed.

I then went on to have a 26 hour labour and my baby was finally born on the 15th august 2017, at 6.17am weighing 7lb 7oz! I spent a whole 3 weeks with my baby until I finally let him go to his place of rest, all these photos, memories, moments spent, are hard to get over. Losing my baby has destroyed me forever!