On the 13th March 2018 my world fell apart. On the 12th March I started having stomach cramps, which the GP assured me were braxton hicks. I was 33 weeks 4 days when they started. It turned out they were contractions. The next morning I went to the hospital, and heard the words that haunt me to this day. “I’m afraid your baby has no heartbeat”. Alexander was born 10 hours later at 9.20 pm weighing just 2 lb 7 oz.

The midwives at the hospital were amazing. I had severe preeclampsia and was very poorly. We were lucky to be able to spend 2 days with Alex thanks to a suite funded by Sands.

The weeks that followed had some very dark moments. Contemplating a life without our son, my husband and I found ourselves planning a funeral where we expected to be planning a christening. We decided to give him the best send of we could, and it was a beautiful day, with close family, cake, and a small balloon release with messages to our Alex.

We’re now 7 months down the line, and I feel like I’m doing ok! I’m back at work, and have raised nearly £4,000 for Sands and other charities, to keep Alex’s memory alive.

He will always be in our hearts and everywhere, and I now strive to make him proud, and that gets me through the days. Love you always our beautiful little boy xxx