When I was told that I was expecting a baby girl, I was thrilled, excited and couldn't wait to meet her. Throughout the pregnancy we were told that we had a lovely sized and healthy baby. I went into labour on the 28th of June 2017... I thought I was going into labour normally until them dreaded words was said. I couldn't bare to lay there and hear that my baby girl had passed away. It was so hard to accept it and it still is now, I found myself planning something that I shouldn't have been planning and that was her funeral. Now it's 8 months on from when it all happened and I still cant get over what has happened. I find it hard to cope with day to day activities but i am trying my best to find ways to manage everything.

Our sweet Guardian angel is resting in peace. R.I.P Layla forever in our hearts and minds... lots of love from mummy and daddy xxxxxxxxx