It was bang on 6 weeks I started being sick, I tried so hard to avoid it but I couldnt, it went on throughout my entire pregnancy.

I struggled so much to keep going for my baby. It was on the 29th of March 2019 I thought it was over, I began having contractions - what I thought were contractions - I carried on with my day as I'd felt my baby move earlier that morning.

I thought If I keep active hopefully it will bring labour on quicker. I got all Archie's bits we still have stored away in the cupboard out and made his bed and stuff, I walked around to pick my first born up from school.

It took me a fair while my back began to ache, my tummy was in bits. I never went into labour naturally the first time. I didn't know what to expect. I was due to go and meet my friend for coffee in the town.

My little one went off to his grandma's for the weekend and I laid down on the bed to spend time with my baby. I tried everything I could to get him to move but he didn't.

I told my mum I was worried and she told me to call the pregnancy assessment. I thought on the way if he is going to move at all it will be in the car on the way there he loved being in the car.

The whole way he never, my pains were still there. I got to PAU checked in and waited for what seemed a lifetime. I was no longer excited for labour - I was fearing my for babies life.

We were took into room one and she began getting all the information she needed then set up the monitor to listen for his heartbeat. He was a little monkey and it was always a struggle to track him down.

She couldn't - she called someone else in to help. Every time she thought she had found him, she received the words "maternal" she then said she was bringing a doctor in to scan me, we waited again.

Once she was here we moved into the scan room I laid down on the bed she switched the monitor on we laid and waited, waited for a sigh of relief or something, instead we heard the words I'm so sorry - 36 weeks to the day and he just stopped beating.

The following day I went into labour. We went home for a few hours before needing to come back in to give birth. It was so hard - so hard knowing that once my baby is out he won't be alive.

On the 30th of March 2019 he was born at 17.07 weighing 6lb 4oz he was the most perfect little thing. Our first hello was our final goodbye.