My lil boy was born in August 2017 he was resuscitated at birth and continued to live for four months with continued illness. Sadly he passed away at four months on the 7th December 2017. We weren't expecting it at all, he seamed to be on the mend, getting stronger and happier.

We woke up that morning and couldn't wake him and blood streaming from his nose. It's a memory I can't shake. Paramedics worked to save his life, but they weren't able to. We then had police and social involved and weren't allowed home until forensics had finished. We couldn't leave the hospital until the police said it was okay to. When we returned home and had proved we didn't do anything to harm Mark, I was called a murderer by strangers and a baby killer by people I thought were close friends. SIDS is a awful thing I'd never wish it on my worst enemy. This is just briefly touching my story three months down the line and we are finally laying him to rest. Sleep tight prince in the sky above, mummy loves you so so much xxx